I spent many years with this kind of dilemma - I wasn't the type of person that the type of person that I was attracted to would be attracted to. But in my situation, I somehow gave off (without intending to), the impression that I WAS the type of person they would be attracted to - they would get a false initial impression of me. I would try to keep it going, but eventually, they would realize I just wasn't what they were looking for as they got to know me (which could take some time, as I was shy). Then I would be left, and heartbroken, having my hopes dashed.
I hate to break it to you, but you really can't keep up any fake persona anyway, so it's better to be yourself. You can't hide your true self forever, and it hurts to be left over and over even if you managed it in the beginning.
I finally wised up and now I am married to someone who truly accepts me for who I am. He is nothing like the guy I thought I wanted to attract - instead, he's the guy that I really needed, without realizing it! The relationship is the smoothest, most secure, and most fun that I have ever had, and also very healing. It is the easiest one, too. As we got to know each other, I began to see why things were actually working well - and it was all so different from what I had been searching for before, thinking it was what I wanted, what would make me happy.
Part of my problem was this - I think I was looking for the wrong guys because I didn't want to deal with some aspect of myself. I saw myself reflected in the guys I would date, instead of facing the reality of me. If that makes any sense, maybe I'm not explaining well.
Anyway, I hope you can be patient enough to find someone who will really be attracted to you and have fun with you just the way that you are I do think there are people who would share your interests, and they, too, are probably wondering where/how to find their match.