ThisAdamGuy wrote:
There aren't any nearby groups for things I enjoy. I live in Northwest Arkansas, where everyone's, even the women's, pastimes are huntin', fishin', watchin' football, pickup trucks, and drinkin' ALL THE BEER. I like reading, writing, video games, and watching nerdy shows on Netflix. The closest nerd group I can find on MeetUp is a DnD group, which would be awesome except that they're an hour's drive away and meet in the evenings. I work evenings, so I wouldn't ever be able to make it.
And please, don't recommend I move away. I tried living in another city, but had to move back it stressed me out too much and I lost my job. I just got a decent here job back in December, and I actually don't hate it, so I'm not going to throw that away to go live somewhere I hope there are more nerds.
Wow, where you live in Arkansas sounds boring and sad. The thing is, I bet there are people who also don't like hunting or fishing or drinking, but like you, they probably don't know where to go either.
It sounds to me that your trouble finding your girlfriend is just secondary to the logistics of finding friends in your area. How can you conclude that it's about you when there are clearly external forces at work here?
Is there anyone at work or in your town you think you could confide in? You never know; sometimes, if you tell people that you're having trouble meeting others with similar interests, someone might have a suggestion for you, or they might even know someone. What about writer's groups?
One other thing: does that nerd group have an online forum? Would it be possible to post on it, saying that you work in the evenings but would like to meet people?
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