Neurotypical needs help after Aspie break up
I'm new here, but I really need some advices, because I am in the most utter despair.
I had just moved from my country. We met one night ten years ago in London, and since then we never left each other. I let myself be charmed by its oddities: I’m an artist, his way of seeing the world has always intrigued me. A few months later, we went to live together. And from there, we shared many things: friends, interests, travels, the love of the outdoors, food, music, good and bad times. It’s my best friend, the only person whit whom I discover silently the world. Slowly, I became aware of its difficulties in managing stress and problems, such as loss of a job or social situations, or his difficulty to make new friends.
With my nonconformity, I'm always been able to adapt to its strange requests, I tried to avoid places too exposed to light and noise, I realized that it does not handle stress, I avoided using sarcasm that does not understand, I tried not to contradict him or start a discussion for small things. I've always encouraged and I have helped him in practical problems, such as to look for a new job or a new home. But I’m not perfect: sometime I’ve lost my patience, but in general I’m not looking for arguments, I had a very turbulent father, so I learn to calm down and stabilize the situations. We spent 10 intense years, but I have always been very much in love and happy to have him around. We shared the dream to move to a smaller and less expensive city, more close to nature.
We moved two years ago, and these two years have been a bit stressful for the research of new homes and jobs. After a series of misfortunes and stressful situations - like a constant noise issues with neighbours - his level of stress was considerably increased. And more it was the stress, more he became negative and rages against me, finding excuses to start fights and then blaming me.
I started to develop the idea that it was Asperger maybe two years ago, but with the relocation and the new city, I wanted to wait to settle down before to try to talk to him. At the same time, I started to read everything I can on relationship between NT and Aspie, on the expression of emotions, understanding the language of each other. I was also able to understand the dynamics within my family, and probably my father is on the spectrum as well, that could explain why I’ve always been adaptable to situations that my friends have always considered insane - in the positive sense of the term.
There are moments that he has solitary peaks of depression, that self-care with alcohol. In these moments he becomes negative and angry and he lashes out against me. Anyway, the stress was very high and he had a classic meltdown: he was very angry, he started yelling at me, telling me that he does not love me anymore, the he doesn’t feel anything for me, perhaps maybe he never loved me, that he wants to leave and that we can no longer live together. He was very mean, without empathy for me. He’s detached and it seems that he has removed all the past and our history together. He has made his decision, and it seems to have turned off a switch.
I'm desperate and I don’t know what to do. I have tried talking to him, but I do not think that works. Unfortunately we still live together, the situation is very quiet: we do the same things as before, but he claims he does not want to be with me anymore. But he’s so self-absorbed in this that he destroys me. I've never experienced such a great lack of affection and understanding as now. It’s like a rational machine. I know I cannot do much, if not to move on with my life without him, but there is someone that can give me some advices?
I know that I need to give him space, and give space also to myself to heal, but it’s such an important person for me: he reacted as a teenager, remembering only the bad moments and not all the beauty that we created together. Thank you very much for your understanding
Last edited by B19 on 22 May 2016, 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.: inserted paragraph breaks to increase readability
I'm an aspie and during one of the most stressful times in my life I sometimes got really angry at my mom for a lot of things that weren't always her fault. I don't really know what to do in your case but for me it really helped when I moved in with my dad for a while (my parents are divorced) and things became less stressful. Now my relationship with my mom is much better.
Also known as MarsMatter.
Diagnosed with Asperger's, ADD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in 2004.
In denial that it was a problem until early 2016.
Deviant Art

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We moved two years ago, and these two years have been a bit stressful for the research of new homes and jobs. After a series of misfortunes and stressful situations - like a constant noise issues with neighbours - his level of stress was considerably increased. And more it was the stress, more he became negative and rages against me, finding excuses to start fights and then blaming me.
I started to develop the idea that it was Asperger maybe two years ago, but with the relocation and the new city, I wanted to wait to settle down before to try to talk to him.
Get some Orgonite-Pyramids and set them around your home to help alter the frequencies to which you are both exposed. Clearly the change in behaviour is related to this new "contaminated" environment. Just like contamination/intoxication by alcohol can cause changes in behaviour, additional phenomenon has mood-altering effects, too. Whales beach themselves because of exposure to the frequencies of Nuclear Sonar-Weapons that the U.S. Navy uses, but other frequencies have mind-altering, and thus mood-changing effects on various people, too.

There are moments that he has solitary peaks of depression, that self-care with alcohol. In these moments he becomes negative and angry and he lashes out against me.
Alcohol is a mind-altering/mood-changing substance such that phenomenon can result that has the resemblance of spirit-possession. You should confront the "artificial-intelligence" that over-powers his mind/emotions rather than speaking to him directly (basically, you stop trying to change the puppet, and instead confront the puppet-master).
Like I said before, approach this more like a phenomenon of what the people of olden-days may have attributed to spirit-possession, and ask the puppet-master to release their hold/control over him (instead of talking to him directly when he has become more like a puppet to phenomenon that has taken control over his emotions). This can be done mentally, focusing your thoughts towards the puppet-master(s) as you close your eyes, similar to how religious people might engage in prayer.
You said that you are into reading, and so if you simply arm yourself with some "wisdom" before you attempt to reason with the artificial-intelligence of inter-dimensional puppet-masters (otherwise known as spirit-possession in olden-days vocabulary), know that many of these cases seem to involve personalities that have been found to resemble cases of discarnate-personalities of people who have no idea that they have died, and may be projecting their own life-problems into your relationships without any knowledge that they are deceased. You basically need to give them "guidance" into "looking up into the Light from where they are" and asking them to move on to be able to transition into a better/happier place/dimension/universe for them instead of lingering around in this material-realm. This will be better-understood if you read the following...
Further recommended reading : "Thirty Years Among the Dead" -Dr. Carl Wickland
(Additional reading -
I am still preparing material of my own to eventually be published since none of the currently available publications seem to describe various seemingly paranormal-phenomena in technological-vocabulary (the default seems to be along the lines of spirit-possession and talking with dead people or deceased personalities through so-called psychics and mediums instead of describing it in more inter-dimensional terms via psychotronic-disruptions/resonances). I will resume some of that work for now since I am still waiting for the clouds to clear from my area so that I can start filming the sky a bit with a few different digital-cameras and a recent camcorder that I ordered in order to compare the differences in appearance between camera-models (I tried to take pictures of stars a few months ago only for my camera to show nothing but a completely black picture with maybe extremely faint or near-non-detectable images of blurry light).
Now for a piece by Bruce Lipton about environment having effect on development of organisms...
Pay me for my signature. 私の署名ですか❓お前の買うなければなりません。Mon autographe nécessite un paiement. Которые хочет мою автографу, у тебя нужно есть деньги сюда. Bezahlst du mich, wenn du meine Unterschrift wollen.
Hi mikeman7918, Thank you very much for your advice! I will try to concentrate on myself and give space and silence. I really appreciate that you had time to write me, I wish you all the best with your family and life!
And Bend-Dodger, thank you so much! The path that you show me is inspirational: if I see the reason why we met and why we are going through this, is because I must undertake a great journey of self-awareness. Thanks of your literary ideas, I will make treasure of it. I believe very much in the energy that space and people emit, and for a variety of reasons or persistent errors, we were disconnected or "contaminated". I'll try to speak to the great puppet-master, to find the way to freedom and harmony. I will let you know! Thanks again
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