Am I the only one who thinks this?

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18 May 2016, 10:38 am

Am I the only one who gets the impression that girls in there teenage years are especially attracted to boys at that age range? But in there 20s they seem to be more drawn to other women or become more bi curious?

Females are indeed complicated but perhaps women as they get older develop a deeper connection to other women because that's what society encourages them to do.


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18 May 2016, 8:33 pm

It is actually a popular thought by many heterosexual men that many women may be lesbian or bisexual and prefer women over men.

I partially agree with you and only agree with the first part - that teenage girls tend to actually be attracted to males far more than adult women seem to.

But, this is also just as true for teenage boys.

Teenagers have stronger emotions and puberty kickstarts their hormones into over-drive.

Teen males are horny and sex-obsessed a lot of the time, teen girls tend to also be very attracted to males at that time too.

Another reason adult women may be more stand-offish to being approached is teen girls are more naive and welcoming as they haven't developed their intuition to detect if a male may be a creep or threat to her yet, and may also not have developed the confidence to say no as strongly as an adult woman might.


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18 May 2016, 8:54 pm

You want to hear something funny?

The older I get, the easier it is for me to approach women.

As I got older, women responded to me more, too.

When I was a teenager, forget it. No dice no how! If I approached a teen girl, I would be rebuffed, called names, called creep, etc. I did have a couple of dates when I was a teen, and a steady girlfriend at 18.

But still. Teen girls weren't attracted to me when I was a teen. They really wanted nothing to do with me.


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18 May 2016, 9:37 pm

What can also be said is that teen girls are still immature, as are males, so adult men and women will also be more mature and open to difference.

Teenagers may have the strongest attractions, but at the cost of having a more limited range in taste and preference.

Adults have more diverse taste, but are harder to gauge an interest from...


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18 May 2016, 9:56 pm

I wouldn't say they turn Les in their early twenties,just trying to develop their education and career while going out on the weekend, no time for anything serious.


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18 May 2016, 10:16 pm

Noooooo,, I disagree.

The 'no-time' excuse is B.S. perpetuated by N.T.'s to simply reject you gently.

Even if people do have little time for a social life, what they've got to understand is that they have to make the time.

If you're studying engineering and biomedical science while juggling 3 part-time jobs yet still have the time to go out clubbing with your friends Friday nights, you ideally should have the time to spend time with a significant other 2-3 times a week for an hour or so each time and talk to them by phone/texting/online while you're busy studying away from them.

Or better yet, invite them over to spend time with you while you're studying! :lol:


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18 May 2016, 10:19 pm

Or better yet, if you can't make the time, find someone who can deal with a bit less time together than others would.


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19 May 2016, 4:41 am

Well, in the early 20's, women are (usually) more mature than males of their age, so they would have to look for older men or women in order to get a matching maturity level.

secondly, there is the part where they realise that the "all women are at least bi-curious" is a popular theme around men their age, so they act out that stereotype as a tease and in order to increase their (apparant) attractiveness.


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19 May 2016, 5:59 am

I'm 21 and completely straight. I think men get this idea because women are happy to kiss and hug each other aswell as bathroom trips together. Out of all my girl friends only 1 is a lesbian and has been since she was 15.


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19 May 2016, 6:15 am

It may be the actual strong Homosociality

that women tend to have that encourages men to feel this way, like you say alliekit.

However, men can also be this way, but present it differently.

While women may be comfortable to go to the bathroom together, some men tend to have strong relationships with their best male friends, known as 'bromances' in which they may very well be comfortable hugging a fellow male friend, making jokes by sexually touching one another (e.g. butt slaps for fun), being naked around each other or even watching pornography together and possibly even confidently saying "I love you (platonically), man." yet identify as fully heterosexual.


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19 May 2016, 7:21 am

Why are women more likely than men to be attracted to each other?

Surely that's not what mother intended?


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19 May 2016, 7:47 am

Usually, women aren't sexually attracted to each other. It just seems that way, as was pointed out earlier, because they are more tactile/demonstrative than men.

I, myself, want no part of a "bromance."


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19 May 2016, 1:02 pm

No, I'm pretty sure every other guy that gets ignored thinks women are lesbians, too.

Yours sincerely, some dude.


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19 May 2016, 3:14 pm

Most the women on occupied list themselves as bisexual. So for me it's nothing to do with women being more tactile. That said i think it's a trend that or all of a sudden right after a few celebrities came out, most women just happen to release they are bisexual despite not actually waning to date women. It's just the hip thing to be right now. Not saying there aren't actual bi women.just that I find it hard to believe a large part of the population all of once figured out they were bi.

My sister use to say she was bi, never dated any women, and now that she's old says she's straight.

Gay rights issue is a big thing right now also all over the news, so saying your bi may be a way for people to feel apart of that.


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19 May 2016, 3:20 pm

There is a lot of talk about gay men, but the fact is that lesbians are more common. So I don't know why everybody think about gays when discussing homosexuality. Also, being bisexual is far more common than being exclusively homosexual, and this is probably most relevant for women.


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23 May 2016, 6:52 am

Alliekit wrote:
I'm 21 and completely straight. I think men get this idea because women are happy to kiss and hug each other aswell as bathroom trips together. Out of all my girl friends only 1 is a lesbian and has been since she was 15.
Agree. I'm almost straight, I have no problem kissing InsomniaGrl..tho.

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