Hey. Basically, I want to know why (if anything is glaringly obvious, tell me) I am so unattractive to men.
Physically, I don't think I'm that bad. I shower every day, wash my clothes (and dress in a fairly co-ordinated way), and spend a good amount of time on my hair and make up. I have been quite overweight but, for about a year, I have been losing weight. My facial features are, as far as I can see, decent and quite symmetrical.
I am moderately intelligent and well educated in several fields. My interests are varied although atypical for people my age (i.e. I don't drink alcohol, don't go to clubs, etc.). I have been told by my friends that my conversation is interesting and not particularly awkward. In fact, most, if not all, people outside of my immediate family had no idea I was an aspie until I told them- even then, some thought that I was joking. I think of myself as being quite empathic and capable of comforting other people. I go out of my way to support my friends during difficult times. There are plenty of opportunities for me to come into contact with others, although I do sometimes feel that I could try to widen my social circle.
However, I do feel very uncomfortable engaging in 'flirting': a lot of the time I am unaware of it but, if I am, it can make me feel intensely ill at ease. The expectation to pick up on non-verbal cues causes me a lot of anxiety. Even when I do find the person attractive, I am afraid that my non-verbal reaction (which I am unaware of and, therefore, cannot control) says the opposite. These situations arise quite rarely and, every time they do, it seems that my reaction ruins it.
In your experience, is this something which has proven to be important? If so, how might I go about improving my skills in this area? Could there be something else important that I have overlooked?
Thanks in advance for your help.