The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
1) Why do you think in our culture we have these phrases that clearly delineate what proper male behavior is, but we do not for female behavior?
Because, up to a few decades ago, our culture was predominantly patriarchal. Women were seen as useless baby-factories, while man were responsible for running the world. No one gave a s**t about women.
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
2) If hypothetically we did commonly use phases like "be a woman about it," what kind of behavior would the phrase imply was needed and can you think of a situation where you would use it?
Judging by our society's patriarchal background, it would probably mean "shut up and bring me a beer. You b*****s ain't allowed to have an opinion."
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
3) Can a woman ever really define what constitutes "a real man?" Or can other men be the only true arbiters of real manliness?
I define true manliness as having a penis, despite your sexual orientation (and despite any mutilations yoiu may have suffered). Being a highly logical individual with Asperger's syndrome (I refuse to use the term "aspie"), I have little patience for any meaning besides the biological one. In other words, and answering your question, biologists are the only "true arbiters of real manliness".