slw1990 wrote:
I'm kind of the same way because it seems like being able to relate to someone is one of the most important things to me when it comes to being attracted to someone. Sometimes I have online crushes when I don't know what they look like, but at the same time I don't feel as attracted to guys irl. I also feel turned off by jerks, but it seems like a lot of people are attracted to those types.
I think both men and women often get conflicted in terms of attraction. I think for many of us who don't mix logic and emotion, but rather can maintain logic even in strong emotions, it's easier to be attracted to "what you like". I think often why many women appear to like jerks, is because they either aren't really jerks and just come off that way to others, which is possible because I can be like that, or it's simply a physical only response to the way someone appears. For most people, male or female, confidence is attractive. Theoretically for some. But it is. The idea of someone
knowing others want them physically makes people project a certain energy about them which is alluring.
I know I find a flirty, sensuous, confident woman to be very attractive. Theoretically. Of course I know that the ones that are like that will usually carry personality traits that I cannot tolerate. So, I then associate confidence with being a b***h basically. And that's a huge turn off for me even if the woman would have initially turned me on just based on how she looked and presented. So I rather have gravitated toward more shy, introverted types because they don't have that energy.
People with that "energy" to me dont appear to be very faithful in long term relationships.