You ended up re-quoting yourself whilst replying (the blank statement) but, that aside, that is why we work on strengthening our weaknesses. I had to do that during my martial arts training. You just need to go out there and get more experience. Whilst working at your volunteer-job, get some experience at filling out applications during your non-work time, get experience inquiring from various sources whether they have an open work-assignments available, heck, ask the employers at your current work-place as to whether or not they have any additional assignments or work-hours that you can volunteer for, what are you doing hanging around here on these forums all day, grab a phone right now if you have to and call up your employer if they're still open, and explain to them that you would like to try and get as much work-experience as possible, and make sure that that you pursue wanting that much work, otherwise you can just ignore my advice, even though this is coming from someone who used to work consistent weeks of 80+ hours or sometimes even up to 100 within the same week... thou art not getting any younger, you must become competitive, and IF you can avoid the numerous financial-traps that seek to enslave and make you homeless, you only need to be working such a full/over-time schedule for about five years in a row, whilst exercising the necessary financial-discipline, and you will be able to have at least a few-hundred dollars in your bank-account before you even reach 30 years of age, AND simultaneously have DEBT-FREE status. A guy in his 30s with that much established resources is a far more attractive prospect than a guy in his mid-twenties who's never held a job before (this is why I encourage youths to learn to start working and making money and getting jobs or even creating their own jobs and finding things to either offer as a service or charge people money for before they've even reached the age of 15 if possible).
K_Kelly wrote:
K_Kelly wrote:
Ban-Dodger wrote:
Seconded ! You can, how-ever, get that work-experience for future paying jobs... Also, whilst you are working at a volunteer-job, what is stopping you from applying for additional jobs elsewhere ? Seriously, you should be trying to fill your whole entire week with a work-schedule, instead of free-timing on W-P.
Lack of work much volunteer/work experience is my limitation now.
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