Anngables wrote:
Ha you may be right . . . . .. The trouble is for us NTs hearing the words verifies what we think and believe in "he cares" without the words we end up constantly doubting this.
Hi my friend. Perhaps another NT can shed some light on this, Since you helped me once, I've magically learned a few things. I've learned that they say a lot, without saying anything at all, in those "Little" things they do, such as the cards, gifts, texts, calls, the help they offer, when not asked, ETC, to use random examples. Think of all of the things he does for you, that warm your heart. Those are his "I love you's". Frankly, to me it means more than the words, since I've heard the words before, but they had been lies, because the actions did not line up with them. It's better to know they love you, before it's even said, rather to hear the words, and wonder if they are really true or not. I hope I made some sense. I also agree with what Kraftiekortie said; he is spot on. I think there is way too much pressure for Aspies to "fit in" and it's exhausting. If we could learn to hear what they are "saying", it would be so much easier on everyone! Why should we expect them to have to change all of the time? Why can't we meet them half way? I've had a heart breaking day dealing with some of this with people, so this pounding a square peg into a round hole until it breaks, is a heart breaking topic for me right now.