I am starting this thread because a user named SpongeBobFan started a very similar one weeks ago, and it essentially turned into a 5-page debate. Which, by the way, mostly involved Boo and Spiderpig trying to tell everyone not to ever approach women. I need to debunk this, as it is utterly false, and naysaying on this website is only going to discourage the people who honestly want to approach new people - even just for making friends. But I know it can work for getting dates as well - otherwise we're saying that none of my relationships ever happened. Here are the best guidelines, as far as I've learned:
1: Approach a girl in a public place where you see others socializing. That's fine.
2: It's probably better if she is by herself. As long as your subject matter is not offensive, and you are attempting to actually use the social skills you've learned, you should be fine.
3: If she ignores you, has very abrupt responses, or any other negative reaction, simply walk away and choose someone else.
4: Be sure you are well-dressed, well-groomed, and have no offensive odors. (Also don't go to the extreme of wearing a tux or using too much fragrance. In fact, no fragrance is often preferable.)
5: Try to select a venue where you are more likely to meet other Aspies and ND's. In otherwords, a sports bar filled with neurotypical people is going to be an uphill battle for most of us.
6: Only drink enough to get a small buzz. Too much, and you're asking for trouble. Don't use any other substance before you do this. Even if you are at a hash bar in Amsterdam.
7: Stick to small talk. And get LOT'S of practice before putting yourself out there like this. I honestly want to put this at the very top, except I know most of you are going to read thoroughly enough to get my drift. Definitely go around socializing with lot's of people before you start looking for dates, or even new friends. It can be anybody, and it will count as practice. Talk to your bartender, your co-worker - particularly the quirky ones.
8: Stay away from anyone who makes you uncomfortable - or if you appear to make them uncomfortable. It's best to just walk away. This also means to practically ignore any negative advice you will no doubt find on a forum like this. The only reason I don't ignore the naysayers on this website is because I don't want any of you to be miss-led by false advice.
Good luck, and don't doubt yourself! You're on the right track. I promise.