Beowulf24 wrote:
Hi. Im Steven. I'm 21 and I've never been in any type of relationship. I have tried several dating sites, but apparently the women aren't interested in ugly guys. I've tried meeting people in public, which is horrible. I've been told several times I'm ugly, I'm not dating material, I'm just not her type, I'm not really a type, s**t like that that makes me wanna kill myself. I have one friend who lives about 3 hours away, and she doesn't understand, cuz she has guys throwing themselves at her 24/7. So I figured I'd come here and voice my pain. Am I too ugly? I'm just tired of being single. I want someone I can spoil. Someone who can make me feel necessary. Someone to end my pain. Btw my pic is on my profile.
What people tell you all that, are they family, people you consider friends, or women you've tried asking out or random jerks? I really doubt you're actually too ugly for a relationship, for one attractiveness is pretty I doubt my boyfriend would be considered attractive by everyone but he is to me doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks. Also good hygiene and clothes that don't look terrible and a hairstyle that fits you(different things look good on different people) also help with appearance. There are certainly clothes I look terrible in or certain colors....basically if I get dressed and look in the mirror and anything about my attire makes me cringe I change it up.
Also a relationship doesn't end all emotional pain...I mean seems you've gotten some negativity from people to an extent it's effected you, that's not something a girlfriend can fix so be careful not to expect that of them you still have to cope with that and try and find healthy ways to deal with it so it doesn't interfere negatively with the relationship.
Also think about the things you enjoy doing, what your interests are it can be helpful to try and find people into some of the same things. You say you've tried dating sites so do you have details about yourself and are you expressive of interests on there? And what sort of messages are you sending.
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