mathiebrungrand wrote:
If you are anything like me, you have probably made a list of pros and cons several times over and asked anyone you trust for advice.
Yes and yes, the list was inconclusive and the advice I've gotten is varied.
mathiebrungrand wrote:
Unfortunately, this is a decision that you must make with your heart, not your head, which is far more difficult than making logical decisions.
The logic in what I should do is pretty clear. I'm stumbling on the heart part.
mathiebrungrand wrote:
Even if someone on this forum has a way that they have responded to a similar situation, you are the only one who can decide.
Yeah. This thread was a pipe dream for that. I guess I'm just curious on how people get past difficult decisions, doesn't have to be like this decision. How to get past fixation.
mathiebrungrand wrote:
It might be a good idea to see her in person. Have you thought about asking her to come and visit?
She's wanted to come visit me actually, but I haven't given her a yes on that. I don't know if that would be a good idea, it could create opportunities for mistakes to be made to be blunt about it, such as having sex when my commitment to the relationship is in flux.
Gods I'm impossible.