Twilightprincess wrote:
What if you know you really need to break up with someone, but you worry that his or her life will go to crap if you do?
I'm struggling with this right now. I wish I wasn't so prone to feeling guilty. It drives me crazy. A normal person would've broken up with him ages ago.
Well, YEAH, his life will go to crap. And I fail to see how that's your problem!
When I was much younger, I was constantly getting rejected or dumped. I can count on one hand the number of times I actually broke up with a girl. Breaking up is bad, but getting dumped suuuuuuuuucks. But that, sadly, is life. I came to terms with it be admitting that if the relationship was bad enough for her to break up with me, even if I thought things were fine, she did me a favor. You can't feel guilty for that.
Don't let him manipulate you, either. Someone who even threatens suicide has bigger problems than losing his gf. You can't fix that. That's a problem for the men in white coats.