Bloke1975 wrote:
Sadly my marriage broke down probably due in large part to my AS.
I was undiagnosed when I got married. And unaware of my problem.
I couldn't communicate with my wife and things became issues.
She didn't know I couldn't 'read' her as a person. This got put down to me being self centred.
Resentment set in.
Same I am 31 I was diangosised right before I hit 30 my wife left me in thanksgiving she moved to Florida the February.
I am still in Chicago and before I sought help everyone in my family old flames and such had their own opinions. When I sought help and made it known my family and old flames got deeply upset, deeply and claimed nothing was wrong with me and I needed to take responsibility. So I went from I was damaged and something was wrong with me to them going from that to instantly, okay.
When I got answers my psychologist warned me not to inform my employers just yet and to take my time which I did but I told my family and old flames and they were pissed.
You could hear the anger in my exes voice how she wishes she was there to tell them about the real me.