K_Kelly wrote:
So I talked to a girl at a Halloween party hosted by the local Asperger's group. She was very forward about her intentions (which I assume she has some type of autism too), so should I worry about pursuing it. I got her number and she has mine. I have the feeling that like my last girlfriend, she is going to have anxiety issues that make it hard. She is more low-key, not the really "hot body" type, but I don't have a problem with this. She's still cute in my eyes.
She even told me she has emotional anxiety and spends some of her time in her room crying. I'm very cautious about pursuing a relationship like this.
You can ask me more questions, but what does WP think?
It sounds like you already don't want to pursue it. So don't.
So you know who just said that:
I am female, I am married
I have two children (one AS and one NT)
I have been diagnosed with Aspergers and MERLD
I have significant chronic medical conditions as well