lowfreq50 wrote:
I'm not a Christian, but my understanding of it is that EVERYONE is a sinner, but NOT everyone goes to hell. You repent and are saved, and you are accepted into Heaven despite your flaws.
That's basically it, yes. People who don't repent and accept Jesus as God aren't allowed entry into the clubhouse because they don't know the secret handshake.
lowfreq50 wrote:
It's hard for me to see how being bi or gay is a sin anyway.... that is too arbitrary like saying it's a sin to have brown hair. But I suppose when they wrote the books of the Bible they had a different way of looking at things.
The Book of Leviticus states that it is a sin for a man to "lie with another man as he might lie with a woman". That, and Sodom & Gomorrah got burned to the ground because of a misunderstanding about man-sex.
Mind you, the Bible also says it's okay to beat your wife moderately, to beat up those people who don't worship the same god as you, and to doink your own dad if you want kids (after getting him blind drunk, obviously), so take that as you will
lowfreq50 wrote:
And to be more specific... the sin is really about sodomy. So fellas, stop hitting your girl's back door! Ooooooo SHAP!
Y'know, I actually came across a Christian sex website the other day (no, really), which advocated the notion of unmarried couples having premarital anal sex, so as to keep the act of vaginal intercourse as a treat for after marriage.
that's progress for you
Why so serious?