I think you should expand your range and not just date aspie girls exclusively.
If you think about it, aspie girls are pretty rare. Like, 15 guys to 1 girl. A part of that reason is because women are underrepresented and they're usually better at hiding their symptoms.
So you only decide to date aspie chicks, that may only give you 5 girls within your desirable age range. And out of those 5 girls, only two of them you're physically attracted to, and only one of them is single but she doesn't like you back.
But if you expand your range to neurotypical girls as well, now instead of having 1 girl who you like and is single, you have 20 or 25 girls you could potentially get a date with. That's a better number and a better possibility of at least one of those girls liking you back.
Dating is all a numbers game man. You may have to ask out dozens of women before one finally says yes.