His brother might be on here.

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06 Nov 2016, 4:44 pm


Chatted with this one cute boy on Grindr a few times since Summer. Totally did not expect to meet him, nor for me to be his type at all.. just chatted with him because he was cute, really. Invited him to come to some Pride parties etc, which he declined as he's younger and didn't know anyone going. I wasn't trying to get a date with him, but rather was just being my friendly self. I mean, it's not like I was going to complain about having another cute boy at a party.. but tbh I was just being nice and like seeing younger guys out partying with the rest of us, having fun, feeling safe to do so etc - especially after the chilling vibe of the Orlando shooting.

I recognized him online a month ago & said hi/small chat. Turns out he works a couple blocks away from where I work. On Halloween he shared a pic of his costume at work. It was super cute, so I decided he deserved a treat. I figured out where he was and went and delivered some Smarties. Again, I wasn't really hitting on him (consciously, anyways) I was just being nice because he was such a little cutie. I left him to his work & he messaged and said that was so sweet etc etc. I had to go run some errands after work.. he said he was up for an adventure, so, I picked him up and he came with. I ended up taking him out for dinner.

We hung out the next eve or two at his place, talking, getting to know each other. He's a YouTuber who makes and posts videos. I've watched a few of them and they're cute. Not sure why, but I find that bit about him strangely attractive. He doesn't have millions of followers, but he does his thing and has fun with it. He's a little guy with a big personality and it's just kinda neat that he does his thing like that & I can't help but wish him well with it and also think what it might be like if he were to become very popular on there like a few other gay YouTube stars.

I like the rest of his story, too. Growing up in a small rural conservative religious town & then moving into the big city about a year ago - it's just one of those "aaaaw.." coming of age gay boy stories that makes me just wanna *hug* him.

Last night I felt like going out to a movie sooo invited him. We went and saw The Accountant & then hung out talking for an hour or so afterwards. I didn't tell him why I wanted to see that particular movie (stars an Autistic character that's quite well portrayed - plus it's well written/acted.) but when I commented near the beginning of the film that the kids on screen were Autistic he said "I know. I have an Autistic brother." I still didn't say anything about myself, and he gave no indication that he'd figured any of that out about me. He may not, either, since I do a damn fine job of treating myself and completely minimizing ASD traits.

It's nothing I planned on.. but I'm just gonna go with the flow and see what does or doesn't happen. So far so good. Mmmmaybe we'll become a thing, maybe not? But he's adorable and so far I think we're enjoying each other's company.

Funny little side story: The night I had my hair dyed into a rainbow mohawk this Summer (full on mohawk, not the fauxhawk from last year that's in my profile pic) I went down to the fireworks at the beach and was chatting with a bunch of (straight) teenaged boys and one of them said "now all you have to do is find some guy with the same hairstyle as you and you know you're meant to be together!" (or something like that) and I LOL'd hard. Ironically, this boy also had rainbow hair this passed Pride... heh :)

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12 Nov 2016, 11:56 am

We went out for dinner again a couple nights ago. I took him to the brew pub that I was on the construction crew to build. We talked about a lot of random things and it was nice. He opened up a bit and volunteered some personal info that had me wondering if he was doing so just out of nature, or if he trusted me to hear it, or if he was friend-zoning me and trusted me to hear it. Nonetheless we had a good chat, quick decent meal and a beer then I dropped him off as he had prior plans to go out.

Next day I sent him a brief message just to say I dunno where you're at, but I'm liking you more and more each day. His response was a single (embarrassed) emoticon - couldn't read much from it, really. We had a brief chat, all positive, then I decided not to message him next & to just wait until he did.

He messaged yesterday evening. Small chat stuff. That turned into a more intimate discussion he wouldn't have initiated with someone he friend zoned. It was a good chat. We've got some ideas for what we'll do the next time(s) we hang out, so that's good - no indecisive where should we go and what should we do? I'm looking forward to the next time we hang out & while I don't want to get my hopes up too high and all that common sense stuff, I do hope this evolves into the two of us doing the exclusive dating thing. I haven't had that sorta feeling about someone in quite some time aside from a crush or two after first meeting someone.. but after getting to know someone a bit better over several meetings? It's been years. But w/e, 1 day at a time.. if it grows into something more, great. If not, well, that's life & it wasn't meant to be. Time will tell.. and for now it's kinda fun day dreaming about the what-if's that could go right if we end up dating. 8)

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13 Nov 2016, 3:01 pm

One of the most attractive things he said was when he shared a story about a moment at his mother's birthday last week. Some of his older brothers (5 of them) asked him to sing with them (he's a singer, some of his older brothers can sing as well). He'd have prepared some advanced notice to prepare, but went with it anyways. They sang a lullaby to their mother's birthday that she used to sing to them. Aaaaw.. my initial reaction was "I see where this is going," followed by "that's what it's all about! :) " Seriously, so.. nice. I like those sort of old fashioned family values & moments of making peoples' days.

Unrelated: I find it interesting that this thread has over 200 views and zero responses. I realize I didn't ask a question or for advice or anything, but still. Meh, good thing I didn't particularly need any advice I guess.. :P

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19 Nov 2016, 3:42 pm

We've continued to chat. He knows I like him. He told me he still has feelings for an ex even though he mistreated him terribly and he feels messed up for it. I told him that doesn't make me like him any less and it just makes him human, not messed up. I do like him and I would like for us to become a thing, but it's his decision really. I'm just gonna take it slow and see what happens - hopefully good things. Time will tell. No matter what I'm sure we'll be friends. He's just that kind of guy.

Also, I really do think his brother is on here. I can't help but think I've seen a username post here before that's his last name. (or a variation of.) It would be miiiiiiiighty interesting if that's turns out to be true. I'll keep an eye out for that username when I'm on here, and if I spot it I'll cross check the location etc. Not sure if I'd message and say hi or not tbh. I guess, again, time will tell what feels appropriate to do at that time.

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03 Dec 2016, 3:36 pm

As per this thread: viewtopic.php?t=333122 I found what I wanted for a gift & surprised him at work yesterday. He was definitely surprised and almost speechless. I relayed the story of what it took to get it for him. I put them in a very nice gift box (paper with metal hinges etc nice enough that at one point he asked if there was something in the box - lol yes, it's just a box.) that was printed with a globe map on it - because I know his dream means the world to him & I figured it was appropriate for a singer/performer to have their name in lights. (especially since he wanted those particular exact lights to match one he already had.) I had the batteries installed and lights switched on so that when he opened it he'd get to see them as they're meant to be displayed. He was "wowed," for sure. He already had evening plans sort of.. but those rapidly changed and we went out for a nice meal & beers at a trendy vegan restaurant, then for a drive and more conversation until ~1am when we had to call it a night as the friend he blew off plans with (hehehe) was messaging and he had work in the morning.. BUT, he made sure to mention what his work schedule was for Saturday and so I suggested we reconvene this evening and go Christmas shopping together. So, that's what we're gonna do. :)

We're still not officially a "thing," and while I'd like us to grow to be, we've had the discussion and there's certainly mutual attraction.. he's still struggling with processing feelings for an ex and I respect that sooo just taking things slow, one day at a time sort of thing, and we'll see what happens. 8)

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03 Dec 2016, 4:27 pm

Good luck, sir.


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03 Dec 2016, 6:16 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Good luck, sir.

Ha, thanks. :)

Also, thanks for making a post in this thread at all lol it's a little "socially awkward" to carry on talking to myself here.. I mean, I know I haven't asked any questions or for advice or anything, but still, it strikes me as a little odd that no one posted anything at all.. not even a simple "It's nice someone on here met someone they have a crush on," or a "Nice to hear you had a successful date night," or w/e. It's not like I need a pat on the back to carry on with my life or anything, it's just a little odd to see a thread attract hundreds of views with not one reply and I can't help but wonder what the reason may be - ie if it's related to the fact that this is about a gay relationship ?? or maybe it has nothing to do with that and perhaps people here are put off by someone posting something happy and positive about a new friendship because they're not the ones making a connection like this ??

Meh, whatever, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it but just thought I'd share my thoughts on it.

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03 Dec 2016, 7:20 pm

Honestly? It seems day to day, drama free, boring, mediocre. It's uninteresting, like talking about how pleasant the weather is.

In no way am I saying there needs to be issues...it's just unexciting, even in a happy way.

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03 Dec 2016, 7:33 pm

smudge wrote:
Honestly? It seems day to day, drama free, boring, mediocre. It's uninteresting, like talking about how pleasant the weather is.

In no way am I saying there needs to be issues...it's just unexciting, even in a happy way.

Hm, thanks for sharing. I hadn't considered that because to me the prospect of having a proper relationship with someone I'm attracted to is fairly exciting, especially since it's never really happened for me before, with the exception of close friends. But, I suppose w/o any major drama it's really not that exciting to read and reply to.

Meh, everyone else can have their problems all to themselves.. I'd much prefer solutions & forward progress, even if it's "boring."

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03 Dec 2016, 9:07 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
smudge wrote:
Honestly? It seems day to day, drama free, boring, mediocre. It's uninteresting, like talking about how pleasant the weather is.

In no way am I saying there needs to be issues...it's just unexciting, even in a happy way.

Hm, thanks for sharing. I hadn't considered that because to me the prospect of having a proper relationship with someone I'm attracted to is fairly exciting, especially since it's never really happened for me before, with the exception of close friends. But, I suppose w/o any major drama it's really not that exciting to read and reply to.

Meh, everyone else can have their problems all to themselves.. I'd much prefer solutions & forward progress, even if it's "boring."

Thanks for not taking offense. I think it's more that people want to see a problem at the beginning and then come up with a solution themselves...people here like problem-solving. Then there is the excitement of a successful ending. But you've already skipped to the successful ending and everyone else is like, "Hmm, oh well, he seems happy enough, he doesn't need my input".

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04 Dec 2016, 10:27 am

Just wait 'til his brother shows up and posts "Umm, dude.. you're dating my little brother." Then maybe you'll get your drama. :P

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04 Dec 2016, 12:13 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
Just wait 'til his brother shows up and posts "Umm, dude.. you're dating my little brother." Then maybe you'll get your drama. :P

Hehe! I'm waiting. :P

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04 Dec 2016, 12:50 pm

smudge wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Just wait 'til his brother shows up and posts "Umm, dude.. you're dating my little brother." Then maybe you'll get your drama. :P

Hehe! I'm waiting. :P

Me too! :D

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08 Dec 2016, 2:15 am

I've heard him sing before.. he's a singer, but tonight, even though he was just singing along to some song on his playlist while getting ready to go out, I didn't just hear him sing, I felt him sing. Whatever song it was he was singing must have been just right for his voice or something because it was really, really, cool to hear.

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16 Dec 2016, 10:52 pm

Update on the marquee sign letters gift: He was pretty well speechless with the "SAM" gift. We discussed how it would be next to impossible to get the "UEL" to finish spelling his name. I did the impossible & snuck the last 3 letters in the original box and told him the box got banged around in my car and he should check it.. shocked to find the next 3 letters. Then I had him open an early bday present which was all 8 letters of his last name. It definitely went over well. 8)

Saw him briefly on Thurs to drop off a box of chocolates I wanted him to have to share w/ his fam on his family Christmas tmw as they're doing things early due to some ppl going out of town. I very briefly met one of his brothers (also his roommate) but didn't even catch his name. Anyways, he appreciate the chocolates & we've chatted since - things are good.

I got him a few things for Christmas. Chocolates, beer, cute pyjamas :p, a "Link" t-shirt (nintendo, it was on sale cheap and super cool), a "rainbow projector lamp" so he can gay up his ceiling any time he wants, and a matchbox car... a 2011 production of a red 2003 Mini Cooper S Convertible - basically his dream car, because I want it to be a nice reminder of his goal to get one. It's about the least expensive gift & I bet it's the most appreciated. Totally spoiled and I don't even care lol he's just so adorable he deserves it. I made sure to tell him I didn't want him to stress about spending $$ on a gift for me as I'd prefer he spent time (with me) not money, as I can easily afford to buy what I buy and I know what his income/expenses are etc & I want him to focus his holiday gift budget on his family.

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20 Dec 2016, 11:07 pm

Nothing to see here.. just talking to myself. :P

Since he already had his Christmas with his family on the 17th I've invited him to come for Christmas. He's thinking about it but is a bit nervous. I told him I'd probably be more nervous than him because I have to hope not one of my family members makes an ass of themselves in any way. :P I kinda think he'll get over his fears and opt to come. I hope he does. But I'm not gonna lie, if so, I may be a bit nervous myself.. especially since I have never had a guy around my family w/ the exception of a few friends, never a date. Ah well, it has to happen eventually sometime anyways sooo if he'll come, could be soon.

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