Hello, first post here. It's nice to finally find a site like this. I'm really confused right now. Here's the short version: I had a really good friend in high school until I had to move towards the end of our sophomore year. She was pretty much perfect in my eyes, a really nice person, great personality, caring and beautiful on top of all that. We'd known each other for about a year and a half when I moved, but had never been more than friends. I wanted to tell her how I felt, that I loved her (crazy as that sounds), before I left, but I could never figure out how to say it, so I decided to wing it if I hadn't made up my mind by my last day there. Of course, with my luck, she wasn't there. Before that though we had decided to stay in touch and she gave me her address, so I told her how I felt in a letter after I moved, and then never heard from her again. Honestly, I was scared to death when I wrote the letter and it freaked her out too. I've done some stupid things, but falling in love with my best friend ranks right up there.... We started talking again about a year ago (8 years later, we're both 24 now) after I saw her profile on MySpace. I apologized for scaring her away and it seemed like she understood (I wasn't diagnosed with AS until a little over a year ago). Lately though it seems like she has been avoiding me. I understand that she's been busy with grad school, but it doesn't take long to write an e-mail. Now I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose her as a friend again by pushing too hard, but I can't appologize if I don't know what I said that was wrong, if anything. I was just happy to be friends again and now I'm scared that I did something to drive her away one more time. Any ideas on what I should do? I must not have said anything too terrible, I'm still on her friends list lol. I just don't know what she wants to hear. Thanks.