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16 Feb 2017, 2:53 pm

So, I've started dating this girl I met, and things are going great. I asked her out for a date on Sunday, and she said she'd rather stay in-- at my place. Right now the only official plan we have is to watch TV together, but... well, you know. She's coming over to my apartment. Where we'll be alone. I don't want to explicitly ask (I saw another thread a few days ago saying not to do that), but how can I pick up on whatever signals she's giving me? Is she really only coming over to watch TV, or... something else? I'm worried that if she does want something else and I don't give it to her, she'll get pissed at me. But if she doesn't want it, and I try to make a move, I could end up making her mad like that as well-- if not worse. What do you guys have to say?

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16 Feb 2017, 2:59 pm

If she starts caressing your hand, or other parts of your body, you know that she desires at least a kiss.

If she tries to open the zipper of your pants, this means she probably wants to make love.

Make sure you bring a condom, just in case. That shows that you care about her. If she doesn't want you to use a condom (unless she states she had a hysterectomy), I wouldn't make love with her. Even with the "pre-ejaculation" fluid, a girl can get pregnant.


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16 Feb 2017, 6:47 pm

If she moved close to you, keep in mind the distance between you if she closes the distance (even gradually) its a sign of interest. Also look out for playing with the hair, licking of the lips and fluttery eyelashes.

If she snuggles up or gets close enough then put your arm round her, if she relaxes into your arm then the move was successful. After some time you could make gradual advances such as tightening your arm or if your brave a forehead kiss (the most gentle, loving and unpushy kiss you can give). Of course if doing this look for signs of a relaxation, i.e no stiffness in the body, hands open (hand crossed over the body can mean uncomfortable of not sure i.e a guarded stance. you want the opposite.

If you go for a kiss remember dont go all the way. You dont want to lean in 100%. Lean in the majority of the way and she should meet you in the kiss.

Most of all dont be afraid to take it slow,while asking for sex isnt great its ok to say things like "Is this Ok"and "May I kiss you". Asking about having sex isnt so bad if it the first time together. In that thread it was more about the fact he was asking his already sexual partner for sex each time rather than working her up (which would be the case after you have already slept with someone).

Just to reilliterate its ok to discuss it if its your first time togehter as a couple having sex


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16 Feb 2017, 6:52 pm

Good stuff, Allie!