Luhluhluh wrote:
I felt like a lot of these guys, it isn't so much their height holding them back as their own self-image. Leg-lengthening for 2.5"?? He could have bought the shoe lifts for a fraction of that, no pain, and gotten the same results. He acted like he had accomplished something and then he says something like "now that I've been through leg lengthening, I know that I am strong enough to handle anything." And I'm thinking "what? You weren't even strong enough to handle being short."
It's something that one has to handle it ...usually since being toddler, this only shows you how damaged he is and desperate he is to change the reality he faced and will always face (I don't think +2.5" will change much either for someone who's significantly shorter than average).
It's for the same reason why obese people go for horrible procedures such as the gastric sleeve surgery.
I remember a fat friend told me she is going for the gastric sleeve surgery, she literally said: "There's the fact that my weight is affecting in all aspects, people don't take me seriously because I am very fat, I can't wear many things because I am very fat, I am less likely to be hired because I am very fat, I don't get much respect because I am very fat, and no guy asks me out because I am very fat".
Do you think I am against a magical cure for AS? I am not, I would take it.