Chummy wrote:
That's another issue a lot of couples have to deal with - weight differences. Males are mostly accepted to be "bigger" and I know quite a few women that would like to have a BF with some mass and not even a six pack... But when I'm at the same weight as my GF and I'm a dude, I can pretty much fit in most of her clothes if they are not skinny jeans/minis or some ultra girly stuff, But I do burrow her pajamas and track suits fit perfectly on me lol (obviously only at home haha)... the feel to just be bigger than her is probably something inherited from all of those Hollywood movies and commercials, especially animated ones in which a couple of often grotesquely and stereotypically drawn.
My friend has that same issue. Alot of times her boyfriend steals her joggers to wear. She is really trim and fit though, it just turns out her bf has a small build. They are both also quite short she is 5 4 and he is 5 6 (I'm 5 7 and they are both shorter which makes me feel like a giant sometimes.
I think it's important for you to realise that your apperance isn't tied to your masculinity. Masculinity is all about attitude so maybe it's best to try and not focus on your heights