kraftiekortie wrote:
If you're over 25, you could have, according to the answers
1. Lost your virginity before age 25.
2. Lost your virginity after age 25.
But there's nothing for when you lost your virginity AT 25.
if the date and time you lost your virginity is closer to your 25th birthday than your 26th, you choose "before 25".
if it is closer to the 26th than the 25th, choose "after 25". qal.
i gave away my virginity to a stranger in mexico at 17, so i chose the option that is surprisingly (to me), in the lead. but no idea as to when i will "do it" with someone i know and actually care about. two years together and the subject is still incredibly touchy. maybe i will be 25 after all when it comes.
but, she's young. i respect if she wants to take things slowly, i do too. may be a sign of something long term unfolding....
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