Whether you like it or not, your appearance and the way you act affects how girls see you and consider you as a partner, and even how people in general treat you. I think everybody should care about how they look and put some effort into their body because not only will you feel better but you'll also be treated better and have more confidence and success in just about everything.
Now why am I telling you this information, because I see too many people with autism and aspergers who care very little about their appearance and clothes selection. I'm going to call some of you out not to insult you but to help you. If you're overweight or underweight, have poor hygiene, wear the same clothes a lot, poorly shaven, rarely comb your hair, then you need to take a good look at yourself because girls just aren't attracted to that.
If you fit the stereotype of a neckbeard, then no you're not going to be attracting any women, it's as simple as that. If you don't know what a neckbeard is, it's an overweight nerdy guy who has poor hygeine and has facial hair around his neck and usually is big into video games and/or anime. If that sounds a lot like you, you're in trouble.
I want everybody who's reading this to ask the following question about themselves and really take it seriously. How do others see me and view me? How do women see me? Also really take a good look at yourself in the mirror and ask for your parents or good friends honest opinion on if you're dateable or not.
The good news is that if you're considered ugly, a neckbeard, etc, you can improve your appearance. You can gain or lose weight, you can wear better clothes, you can start showering every single day. Even if that means spending money for buying better food, clothes, and gym membership. Remember, it's your body and a good body will cost you money but it will definitely be worth it. Looking good will not only give you more confidence and respect around women, but you will find it surprising at how people treat you much better.