my biggest issue, that never escapes me, is i'm always overthinking and over-analyzing everything. and as a result, they are too. so we always both end up wondering what each other really means, we're always assuming things about each other, and it's always petty BS, like "wow, she sure seemed to be in a hurry to say good night" and we start accidentally playing these petty mind games with each other.
but, i've also never got too far past 3 months in dating, we're always stuck in that stage. i imagine with 2 adults who trust and are open with each other, those things would never happen.
the next hardest part, is with that style of poor communication and over thinking, i'm never able to fully grasp if i'm doing too much or too little. so, i always either end up not spending enough time with someone, or smothering them. there's never a good inbetween. but, i also imagine that if i had met the right person, that wouldn't be an issue at all, it'd all make sense. so, meh.
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.