If you have friend-feelings for your lover, it's not the same thing as "not having feelings." You have love and respect for that person, but not in a narrowly romantic sense all the time. It's more complex than that.
I believe in, and have experienced "love": the obsession, the immersion in the other person, the butterflies in my stomach.
But most relationships are not of that nature--especially after a few months of constant romance. They become more "friendlike" with the added element of lust for each other.
There are moments within these relationships, though, whenlove-feelings re-emerge. Especially in times of doubt and need, and during physical intimacy and orgasm.
But these feelings often are not constant, especially amid "real life." There is always, in good relationships, an undercurrent of romance, though it might not be openly expressed.
Or maybe you just haven't found the "right" girl.
It's only pathological if you act hardened, and treat your lover like garbage because everything isn't "perfect."