Cliff Notes
-I don't have and can't get friends.
-I attained expert skill level in Platonic relations, put in +10,000 Hours. See the 10,000 Hour Rule.
-Is a novice in romantic relations, still can't talk to strangers for very long. Either because I get nervous and leave or they want me to leave.
-I'm talking to girls at work, trying to get as comfortable as possible around them.
-I avoided interacting with women for most of my life, all because of irrational fear and crippling social anxiety.
-Most likely I'll lose my V-Card when I'm 35 or 36.
-I have no experience getting intimate with a women. Kissed only thee times. The girl intiated it all three times.
-If still a virgin at 39, I will go to one of the legal brothels in Nevada.
-Plus I can't let myself look for romantic interests because I'm still living with my parents.
I can't get friends, the last friend I made was back in Freshman year of High School at the age of 15. I'm 33 and I quit trying to make friends back when I was 25. The rejection just got too hard to bare. I've been friendless since a couple months ago, my last friend left me.
So when I get a girl, that girl will have to accept that I don't have and can't make friends. Which doesn't make sense because I'm very social savvy in the Platonic social area of life. I consider myself an expert in that the Platonic area, I put my 10,000+ hours in. As for the romantic area, I'm a novice.
I started working on the romantic social area of life last year. Mystery Method is supposedly the way to go, if you want to become an expert if not a master. I'm approaching this a lot differently, meaning I'm trying to talk to a lot of girls to get comfortable interacting with them. My Approach Anxiety is pretty low, but I get nervous and leave, or they give off signals that they want me to leave.
I hope not doing approaches and just interact with female co-workers will help solve that problem. I should've done this when I started this journey, because I basically have no experience interacting with women. So my V-Card will probably be lost when I'm 35 or 36.
I'm very embarrassed by the fact I have no experience romantically with women, I don't know how or when to make a move, kiss correctly, and all the other intimate stuff. I have kissed a girl, but the girl was the one to initiate it. I kissed her three times total on three separate days, the third kiss was the one I got right I think. That's the only romantic experience I have. So, I don't know how a girl will react to a virgin in his early thirties, that the farthest he ever went was kissing.
I have a fail safe plan. If I don't get a girlfriend and lose my virginity by my 40th B-day. I'm going to Vegas and spend some time and money in one of the legal brothels. I just know I have eleven more years to accomplish something that hundreds of millions my age have already accomplished without getting "professional help".
The worst part I can't really approach women, beacause I'm still living with my parents. I can't even bring myself to practice, just because I'm still living with my parents. I feel I don't deserve a GF because of that fact. Till I accomplish a goal I set out to achieve six years ago, the goal is to get a better paying job that will allow me to move out. I will not get a room/housemate all because I've had a lot of very bad experiences with people.