How to deal with miscommunication
My girlfriend and i argue A LOT. Like a lot. We have really different communication styles and our own issues that distort how we perceive each other's words and actions. How do we work through our communication problems to understand each other better? Arguing all the time sucks lol.
Some things:
- she raises her voice a lot and it sounds angry and I get upset cuz my own issues
- I tend to roast people jokingly and she gets hurt feelings
- she tends to do other things or rapidly shift topics when we're talking and it makes me feel like she's not listening or doesn't care
- neither of us thinks the other one is funny and misinterpreting jokes has upset the other before and vice versa
Herein You Will Find Various And Numerous And Innumerable Hexes, Curses, Words In The Old Tongue To Cleave A’Twain Friend, Foe, Family Alike. If You So Choose. Money Hates Me, God Hates Me, My Wife Hates Me, My Own Hands Hate Me. But Thats All Beside The Point. The Point Is That My Time Here On Earth Runs Short. Im Not Dying But You All Are. Im A Glass Of Wine. Nothing Beats A Glass Of Wine. When The Kids Arent Home And Your A Mother Theres A Glass Of Wine There. A Glass Coffee Table And I’m A Glass Of Wine. Stressful Day When The Kids And you're Husband Then Glass Of Wine. Dark Chocolate Indulge. Petty Indulgences. When you're A Glass Of Wine And Let The Body’s Hit The Floor. When Your Glass Of Wine Is Running Short And You Say Heck What Of It. Why Dont I Have Another. Bartender I Am A Glass Of Wine. Bottoms Up And The Devil Laughs. The Bartender Remembers When It Happened. They All Remember When It Happened And If They Knew That You Dont Remember Then They Would Know That Something Is Awry Here Or So They Would Think. Something Would Be Amiss Or Smells Fishy. So Theyre All Relating There Stories Of Where They Were When That Event Happened And The Eyes Move Clockwise About The Room Where We All Share Our Glass Of Wine And Suddenly The Clock Ticks To You And They Ask The Fatal Question That Destroys Your Reputation, The Question You Could Never Answer, The Dead Giveaway: Where Were You When The Bodies Hit The Floor
Sounds like you need a sit-down 'counseling' session with your girlfriend. Anything anyone here tells you is going to be hit or miss, whereas if you just sit down and have a frank discussion with her, as unpleasant as that may be, you could probably reach some kind of agreement on inter-personal issues you can both fix. These types of discussions work if you can both create goals to meet, and resist from turning it into a tit-for-tat accusation argument.
Some things:
- I tend to roast people jokingly and she gets hurt feelings
- neither of us thinks the other one is funny and misinterpreting jokes has upset the other before and vice versa
if you don't have a great connection/friendship or the same sense of humor, roasting a significant other usually doesn't go over well, especially if they're sensitive. it's a fine line to walk across. i've had an ex who would call me a fa***t and i'd call her a dumbass, but if i said that to a different ex, she'd probably give me the silent treatment for 3 days and make it out to be the worst thing that ever had happened to her. tl;dr you have to really be friends or understand each other's sense of humor to roast each other, if you don't, be careful
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.