phantasmagoria wrote:
What are things you can do to make yourself more desirable for a potential partner?
Well, Phantasmagoria, I’m glad you asked that question. Here’s a list I compiled of responses to the question “
What do women find attractive in a man?” from several other threads. Now, while it isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition, the more of these qualities a man displays, the more likely he is to attract women. Some women may find certain quailities more attractive than others, and no two women’s priorities are the same.
To summarize what the women have said that they find attractive in men:
o Decent Clothing / Well-Dressed
o Good Grooming
o Good Hygiene
o Good Looks (This definition varies)
o Fit & Trim (Not too buff or too skinny)
o Healthy (Neither a smoker nor obese)
o Hair (Not bald; no beard or mustache)
o Taller than she (About 4 to 6 inches)
o College Education (Not necessarily completed)
o Common Interests
o Intellectual / Intelligent
o Knowledgeable (Not a “Know-it-all” or a “Mansplainer”)
o Logical
o Caring / Compassionate
o Cheerful (Not a whiner or complainer)
o Funny / Good sense of humor
o Level-headed / Rational
o Optimistic
o Passionate about something (i.e., cause, hobby, et cetera)
o Sentimental / Sweet
o Warm / Empathetic
o Accountable / Responsible
o Attentive (Toward her)
o Civil / Well-mannered
o Employed (gainfully)
o Honest
o Interested (In her as a
o Independent lifestyle (Owns or rents a home, car, et cetera)
o Kindness / Mercy
o Respectful / Tolerant
o Understanding
o Unique (Not an ordinary follower)
Keep in mind that the list of “Red Flags” and “Deal-Breakers” is largely subjective to each individual woman, and that no two women are exactly alike.