This is more oriented towards people 35 and older.
A number of years ago, I thought I would give dating sites a try but found they were a waste of time for me for various reasons, and concluded it would be better to just meet someone in person. As that arena has matured a little more, or so I had thought, I had decided to look around on them again, and found much of the same reasons to forgo them as last time.
One these reasons, and something I don't understand at all, is that a large number of people on them seem to lie blatantly about very obvious physical attributes. For example, weight and age. For example, a lot of men think that "a few extra pounds" means 40lbs, or 50lbs, even 100lbs, and it's very obvious that they are morbidly obese. Or people state an age that it's obvious they are's difficult for me to tell age sometimes but if a person is much older than the age they claim to be, it will be apparent to me. At some point, it just become ridiculous. For example, when you are a 47 year old who's 50lbs overweight and you are claiming that you are a 37 year old who has a few extra pounds.
I understand people are insecure about age and body type, with not unwarranted reasons, but if one is older than they would like to be, and overweight, being a blatant liar or oblivious to reality on top of it isn't going to make them more attractive, and probably contributes to their continuing single status.
If you are an older individual so inclined to dating sites, I recommend you don't lie about your physical attributes. I also recommend you include your actual age in the range of the age you want to date. It will make you more attractive.
I shall continue my avoidance of dating websites for the future.