jcCoolidgejr. wrote:
I'm a sophomore in high school. I come from a very large family. Everyone is dating and conventionally attractive. Even my elementary little brother. I'm not attractive or dating anyone. Every time I find a girl and I can tell we like each other I can never ask her out because I have an intense fear of choosing someone my family doesn't deam attractive enough. I prefer personality so they aren't usually the most attractive. I once told my older brother a girl at my school like me and was attractive when he asked. She was not of good moral character to say the least. He told my whole family and they've been bothering me for almost a year now on it. I feel paralized because I'm the weird one and I have had a strained relationship with my stepmom in the past, who I see as responsible for pushing my siblings into dating. I don't want to disappoint my father because out of his two blood sons my older brother is smart, charming, and charadmatic. When he told me I had Asphergers he gave me The Complete Guide to Asphergers Syndrome. We never talked about it in the 4 years since he gave it to me. I feel like whatever I do I'm a disappointment. Should I talk to my family? Should I date who I want? I'm just so worried.
It's not your family's role to decide who you should find attractive and who you shouldn't. If you find someone attractive, then they are attractive enough for you, and if your family thinks they are ugly, that is their problem. I would not refrain from dating someone merely because my family thought they were not attractive enough. I would only refrain from dating someone I liked at the behest of my family if my family though the individual was dangerous in some way.