Hello All,
There are some subjects I have been thinking about for the past couple of weeks that weigh heavily on my mind and I'd like some thoughts on it.
1). I was told about two weeks ago that my sexual experience is very slim. I was also told that because I am working 50
plus hours a week, that doesn't leave much time to engage with members of the opposite sex. Here's the thing though,
I have never been in love. I have never met someone and said to myself - "Oh my god! I am so in to this person I have
to be around them all the time". The thought of someone having that much control over me is scary. I like being alone. I like reading about subjects of interest and playing video games. I live in a city where there is much going on, and people
tell me there is a whole world out there to explore. But every time I go to some event, I find myself bored with it. Even though there is much to do, I don't want to do it.
2). I want to be an author, but people tell me that its risky and that I should not put all my eggs in one basket. They tell me that I should look into more honest forms of work. But I don't get the working world. Whenever someone talks about opportunity within the company or where I want to go, it makes no sense. I have never thought in terms of that. I have only ever thought in terms of what I want to do and what I like doing. The only thing I have ever liked doing was building immersive, intricate, and detailed worlds.
3). I will admit, I still build with lego. But at this point it seems to be more of a artistic idea tool than something I play with. Plus much of what I create can't be made by kids. The whole point of this is that, the typical perfect life is where you have a job, a close knit circle of friends who you hang around often, and a nice house. Currently, I don't have that. I find the notion of having a relationship exhausting. I find having a job where I really have to try exhausting. I find going out every weekend and doing assorted activities exhausting.
What are everyone's thoughts on this? I feel like I don't have society's approval but I also don't want to do things just to impress people. I wasn't put on this planet for them.