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26 Jun 2017, 5:36 am

I have a mate who is acting out and freaking out over everything. I never know what's gonna set him off. I have a heart condition and I get chest pains whenever he screams at me. I need to get rid of him. Help.


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26 Jun 2017, 8:30 am

Judas wrote:
I have a mate who is acting out and freaking out over everything. I never know what's gonna set him off. I have a heart condition and I get chest pains whenever he screams at me. I need to get rid of him. Help.

Sell him out to the Romans.
Trust me, in spite of what everyone says, he won't be coming back.

Yours sincerely, some dude.


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26 Jun 2017, 9:16 am

Are you economically dependent upon him?

If not, then tell the dude to stop the friggin' screaming.

Even if you are dependent.....still tell him to stop the friggin' screaming.

I'm serious. This is not adult conduct. This has got to stop; otherwise, he'll do other, more major things.

Nip it in the bud.


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26 Jun 2017, 2:34 pm

From what you say he seems to be domestically abusing you. Domestic abuse is as much about psychological and verbal abuse as it is about physically hitting someone.

I don't know what the situation is like in Norway with regards to rights for women but I'm guessing it's above average? I also have read that Norway has a lot of benefits for citizens like cheap housing.

So is there a good chance you can tell the police he is attacking you and get help to find somewhere to live? If you report him or ask help from a social worker or doctor perhaps they will help you to find somewhere else.


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26 Jun 2017, 6:38 pm

For some reason, I thought the OP might be a man. Obviously, I could be wrong, too.


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27 Jun 2017, 8:35 am

Im a guy. He expects everyone to think and be like him. I'm thinking of dumping him once he crosses the border to his own place. Hes just staying for a visit. He cooks and helps out with stuff when he's calm and we get along usually. But his autism is more severe than mine. I guess I have a soft spot for hopeless cases since Ive struggled so much myself, but overcome many obstacles unlike him. I thought I could help.
The problem is I still have feelings for him and when I try to tell him its over he won't accept it. I'm afraid he might injure hinself or worse. He copes by drinking and smoking weed. He doesn't understand this is not acceptable behavior. How do I do this?

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27 Jun 2017, 8:53 am

If there's a branch of Al-Anon near you, or on-line, please visit - they are friends and relatives of persons like your mate. Your situation will be familiar to them and they can help you.

One of the greatest tragedies in this world is enabling. My mother spend forty years in a similar situation with my father. She did not know she was enabling. Every time he left, he stopped drinking. She didn't see the connection.

That is why I ask you to check out Al-Anon - they can explain and advise.

All the best to you and your friend.


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27 Jun 2017, 9:13 am

I hope you don't think you're betraying him by getting him out of your life. I hope you don't think you're a "Judas" for doing that.

I don't believe in all the yelling and screaming and bullying. I don't believe anybody has to be subjected to that crap.


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27 Jun 2017, 1:49 pm

No the "judas" is from having an affair when I was married. Well she betrayed me, so I betrayed her, but that's another story.
Me and my bf are working quietly in the garden right now. But yeah, I guess I need to word ot properly.


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27 Jun 2017, 6:15 pm

I hope it goes smoothly today. I hope the guy doesn't yell at you.

It's about 1:15 in the morning where you are now. Depending on how far north you are, it might even be twilight. Amazing!


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27 Jun 2017, 6:58 pm

Thanks we had a nice quiet day. Barbecueing and stuff. Things work ok as long as noone stresses him. I hope I can quiet down my relatives. Had it not been for my emotional flatness I would have been more anxious.


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02 Jul 2017, 5:56 pm

An update. Called the emergency hotline. They brought the police an sn ambulance. We went to the psych emergency ward and got pills. We're seeing a shrink tomorrow.


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02 Jul 2017, 5:58 pm

Judas wrote:
An update. Called the emergency hotline. They brought the police an sn ambulance. We went to the psych emergency ward and got pills. We're seeing a shrink tomorrow.

Nice to hear there's progress. At least you can now share what you're going through as well as edge closer to helping him adjust.

Yours sincerely, some dude.


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02 Jul 2017, 7:11 pm

7 days til he goes back. Then I'm out. I'm dumping him. I have no other still fels like a betrayal. I just hope I can patch things up with my family. Atleast I have my sisters support. I'm going to withdraw socially for a feew months work on healing and becoming stronger. Any advice, help or encouragement would be deeply appreciated.