Sometime World wrote:
- One-upmanship. Yes, I know, everything I've ever done in my entire life you've done it slightly better. Everything I say you have to have comeback with as to make me look less intelligent, even though I wasn't trying to create an argument in the first place. Now kindly f**k off and talk to somebody that cares.
- Turning into as*holes whenever someone they need to "impress" (nearly always women) is nearby. Sometime their guyfriend and that safety net of being in a pack.
- Guys who feel they need to 'tutor' you on how to pick up girls. Like your a young brother or some s**t. Like they believe they are masters of seduction and experienced. f*****g jackass.
- The "manly" guys (or guys that think they're tough) who think "If you do this thing / that you're a p****/fag/pansy". It gets realld quick. I had a redneck coworker say something once about my 'looking too poofy', and I point blank told him that if he's so insecure about hairstyles, maybe he's the one who is less of a man
You've more or less said everything I would've said myself, especially the last one. There is a surplus of them in the Bible Belt.