I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or advice on how to become a Kavorka Man. This is an obscure Seinfeld reference turned trope on TV Tropes and is defined as "this character has a long list of conquests and can bend any woman to his will — even though there's absolutely nothing attractive about him."
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KavorkaMan I have been obsessed with this trope for quite a while and have decided that becoming a Kavorka Man is a legitimate life goal of mine.
To me, there seems to be a very fine line between the qualities of an Omega Male (who romantically fails) and a Kavorka Man (who romantically succeeds despite being as unattractive as an Omega Male, at least on the surface). My goal is to find this line.
This is a fictional TV character. It's not a real phenomena. Men who seem unattractive to you who manage to attract women are not able to attract all women, and the women he does attract find attractive qualities in him, however non-traditional.