Being Single Is 'Not a Crisis'

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06 Feb 2014, 7:44 pm ... .html?vp=1 - Suddenly, even though I am 26 and was in a relationship for a week, I feel a little better about myself.....


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06 Feb 2014, 11:49 pm

Yay! Similar situation here...and I don't plan on changing it any time soon. It's a different life that I lead, but it's not an inferior one. Not in the least.

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07 Feb 2014, 12:11 am

I'm 40, male, and never had a girlfriend. I actually like being single. It's not a ****** crisis. It can be heaven!


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07 Feb 2014, 1:52 am

Tons of friends, a graduate degree, and a published author.

Stopped watching there.


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07 Feb 2014, 2:27 am

I'd give any chance of a "relationship" away in favour of tons of NORMAL friends, personally.


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07 Feb 2014, 2:45 am

I do consider it a crisis. Maybe I see things different than Hale since I care less about having 'friends' and see being single as critically bad.


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07 Feb 2014, 5:21 am

Being temporarily single is not a crisis. Being a FOREVER single is.


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07 Feb 2014, 6:02 am

She'll make her interests known, of course, but she always has options. She could sit down on the floor, be still, and wait, and I honestly believe that somebody would show up, sooner or later, to ask her out.

This is what I like to call being "a lighthouse."

Lighthouse people are beacons that call all the sailors in ships back to land, beckoning them in toward the light.

This woman's Lighthouse metaphor doesn't work. Sailors avoid lighthouses. They are a warning to sailors of rocks that will tear their hull apart if they don't avoid the lighthouse.
Huff Post - I've been single for my entire life

But I agree. People shouldn't feel pressurd to date because everyone else is doing it.


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07 Feb 2014, 6:31 am

It is a crisis because having relationship&sex is a basic human need.


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07 Feb 2014, 6:59 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
It is a crisis because having relationship&sex is a basic human need.

I disagree. A need is something you will die with out i.e. food, water, air, shelter from extreme heat or extreme cold.

People can live perfectly happy and fulfilling lives without sex or romantic love. It is ahering to the lie that sex and romantic love are needs is what makes people without them feel stressed and unhappy. It is also buying into that lie which makes people desperately marry the first person who asks them and they end up in an unhappy marriage at 25.


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07 Feb 2014, 7:12 am

You people needed an internet article to tell you that being single is not a crisis?

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-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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07 Feb 2014, 7:29 am

I have literally never been happier than when not in a close intimate relationship - i.e. single and without in your face friends that you confide everything in and that feel like a relationship anyway.

People just give me grief. Even when the interaction is fun, the resultant necessary processing is painful and uncomfortable. Of course, there is always that pipe dream that one day I will meet *the right one* and it will be easy and painless and beautiful but I am not holding my breath. Being one with the Universe is a wonderful experience, being bogged down by other people's drama, expectations, neurosis and issues totally outweighs any pleasure they may be able to provide.

Being single rocks!


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07 Feb 2014, 7:37 am

a crisis is whatever one construes as a crisis.


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07 Feb 2014, 8:04 am

Cafeaulait wrote:
Being temporarily single is not a crisis. Being a FOREVER single is.

Yep pretty much what i'm stuck with.

hurtloam wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
It is a crisis because having relationship&sex is a basic human need.

I disagree. A need is something you will die with out i.e. food, water, air, shelter from extreme heat or extreme cold.

People can live perfectly happy and fulfilling lives without sex or romantic love. It is ahering to the lie that sex and romantic love are needs is what makes people without them feel stressed and unhappy. It is also buying into that lie which makes people desperately marry the first person who asks them and they end up in an unhappy marriage at 25.

some people will and do die without it, its called suicide, though i think it can lead to a lower immune system or less moral to fight off illness,

I'm happy for those who can live life alone, i though am not one of them. all the hobbies and money in the world will never fulfill my life

so why having a person isn't the sole thing they'll make me happy neither is hobbies, i need both i presume without it in 40 years i'll likely die one way or another presuming i don't already have a disorder that's killing me already


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07 Feb 2014, 8:14 am

Some people will and do die without it, its called suicide

Depression causes suicide. Being told repeatedly by society that you need to be in a romantic relationship to be valued causes depression. Value yourself. You do not need the validation of another human being to be real and happy.

Some of us will never find a partner. I'm not being mean, it's just a fact. I am one of those people. We shouldn't get depressed and woe is me about it. We can't pin all of our dreams of happiness on the unrealistic notion that romance will come our way and everything will be peachy. We have to find positive fulfilling ways of living our lives. We are not worthless because we do not partake in romantic relationships. We have value and we need to believe in ourselves.

Easier said than done I know.

If you can't have sex, exercise. It's good for your immune system. Get the heart pumping in other ways.


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07 Feb 2014, 10:50 am

Erm...not being in a relationship isn't a crisis, guys, even if it's your whole life. I like the way someone else put it - it's only a crisis if you feel it's a crisis.

For me, whenever I take steps towards being in a relationship, it's never from personal desire. It's always because of the societal message that you're 'weird' if you aren't in a relationship and/or all these implications that you really haven't lived if you're not in a relationship, love in a relationship is the best thing in the world, etc. As someone who hasn't been in a relationship, I can tell you that...okay, I'm weird (who here isn't?) but so what! And I am definitely living - I love myself and I love my life. Not many people can claim that.

For me it's not a crisis, and you can't make the blanket statement that it is. Everyone's different. I won't devalue other people's feelings about their own situations - for some people, not being in a relationship feels terrible - but I don't want my own devalued either.

I'm BAP and a big sister to an Autistic woman. We made some websites to help kids on the spectrum and parents understand autism in a positive way: