kraftiekortie wrote:
I've fixated on "one person" a few times. Each time, it ended rather disastrously.
I also wouldn't want somebody to be fixated on me.
I believe in companionship and commitment---but not in immersion.
I think maybe we are defining "fixation" differently. I meant to be interested in one person at the emotional exclusion of other possible suitors. (Making myself "emotionally unavailable " for lack of better words).
I do not wish to immerse myself in another person obsessively. I believe that is a more adolescent approach to romance... (i certainly did behave this way as a tennager)
To angelrho, unfortunately the time is not is right. By the time the timing is right, i may have missed out.
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
So I guess I've grounded myself by realising that fixating is an exercise in futility if there are no clear signs of reciprocation, and often even when there are.
What were the clear signals that still didn't pan out? I'm guessing it's a little different for girls then guys, but I'm still curious.
...what do the public, the great unobservant public, who could hardly tell a weaver by his tooth or a compositor by his left thumb, care about the finer shades of analysis and deduction!