Anngables wrote:
We are discussing why NTs find friendships or relationships with NDs problematic.
I am just trying to show what seems strange to me in a close friendship and looking forward to hearing others perspectives.
However people seem to keep getting caught up in the idea that I am presenting this as a problem. I am not. Simply using an example to show how NTs feelings get hurt and autistic folk have no idea why. . ..
And Sly this is very normal in my circle of friends, as I said 3 of my friends came along today, and I have since had messages from 2 others saying they wish I had let them know because they would have been there too.
My friend couldn't have come he is busy I know that. To me however it still feels a little strange that he didn't text me today to say good luck or well done.
And no I have no wish for anything more than we have but we are very good friends who do quite a lot of things together.
I can see how that is strange. Maybe he doesn't feel as close to you as you feel to him, I know I have that problem.(heck I can't even tell when someone is my friend!)
I know for me it's hard to tell how far I am in the friendship department.(acquaintance, friend, close friend, etc.) I usually think I'm farther or behind what I actually perceive.
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."