Closet Genious wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
It’s totally not common in my country - men always are expected to pay.
And yes, all the girls I dated to date had jobs, I am not in Afghanistan.
And when I date East Asians, It’s usually the same but at least, unlike the local girls, are polite enough to invite me and pay for dessert or ice cream later.
The nicest girl I've dated was asian aswell.
I've probably dated more than 15 east asian girls, I lost count honestly.
In my experience, to me at least, many of the East Asian girls (at least 13 out of 15 + other encounters) are like extraterrestrial angelic beings from another world when it comes to politeness and niceness, no other culture can compete their cultures in politeness and kindness - hands down. I bet it causes a cultural shock for most non-asian guys who date east asians for the first time.
They have that extra niceness and consideration.....which honestly I find it missing in women of other cultures. They are often nice to you even if they are not interested or taken, in my experience, they never ghost you online for instance, as long you are nice to them of course.
Sure they have some things in common with women from other cultures too, but they are usually very honest in their gender role expectations, like expecting the man to pick them up or such. No two-faces in these matters.
White/Caucasian women often accuse them of being visa diggers or after money from foreigners - in my experience it was never the case; I had mostly FWB relationship in which there was no financial expectations from their part. One time I did a (not so nice) prank at my current gf, she was asking how was my day and I pretended that i lost my job lol - guess how she reacted? She wanted to support me and she started to plan on it (she wasn't like "you have to find a job tomorrow!"), of course until I confessed it was an evil prank at the end of the evening.
I've also seen a lot of White/Caucasian women accuse men liking east asian girls because for their "obedience" - again, it's just false all racist assumptions, none of them were obedient, all the east asian girls I dated were independent (despite their limited earning here) but they were just NICE. And I guess that's why the "yellow fever" exists, not because of their looks, and not of the so-called "obedience" (which isn't true) but because of their niceness.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 07 Dec 2017, 3:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.