Mr_Miner wrote:
In my experience yes many girls do care. It's always the 5'2 girls who expect 6'5 guys who I am told steal the tall men from the taller females. If a girl is 5'10 she wants the 6'5 guy and for the 5'2 girl to take a 5'8 guy. But that is not how biology works. She will seek the strong mate who can protect offspring that means height. A lot of girls get past this basic drive of nature but 6'0 seems to be the cut off. Under that you are "short" no matter how small she might me.
The average American male is 5'10 and it gets up to like 6'2 in some Nordic countries with Viking DNA. Who themselves were famous for being huge in their day. Funny because their skeletons are usualy around 6 foot but the average European was like 5'6 back then even the men so they were scary warrior to them. So I think a lot of women are seeking a unicorn. If the average is 5'10 A LOT of men are under that.
I feel I must give some clarification here. Yes, people hailing from nordic countries do tend to be taller. But, as to the difference between medieval Europeans and Scandinavians there is a misunderstanding here. A viking (fun fact: the word viking was originally a verb. To go viking was to go trading or raiding) would be the strongest and fittest men around, and the ones that survived their trips generally became quite wealthy. The average viking would be between 5'9 and 6'. The average Scandinavian however would have been a little shorter. The 5'6 statistic is for European commoners, who would be rather poorly fed and (comparitively) unfit. The average height for a higher class (wealthy merchants, knights etc.) would be from 5'8 to 5'11. The tallest would have been the knights, who were rich enough for good food, but engaged in much more physical activity than higher classes. So the gap between the Europeans and scandinavians is not as much as it initially seems.
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