hale_bopp wrote:
BlackImage wrote:
Hopelessly3 wrote:
BlackImage wrote:
Hopelessly3 wrote:
you could start searching for and applying to jobs in.the area he is moving to. internet should make the search pretty easy. see if anything pans out then maybe you can move too ? unless there are other reasons you have to stay where you currently are ? best of luck!
I'm on disability cos i can't work cos being autistic ( i'm high functioning but not enough to work), i have a 13/14 old dog and i dont want her to get stress out. even if i did move i'll just be lonely cos i'll miss all my family in melbourne, i have lived there all my life.
this is understandable. i hope you meet someone new soon. if you found a perfect guy once, you can do it again
I asked him if you could do LDR with him, that is a go on the green for that. i just have to look in getting a job to pay for travelling and hotel stay.
Didn’t you just say you can’t work? If you can work then get a job. Then you can arrange saving then moving.
Cos i get super stressed easily and not wanting to have a meltdown at work.
I'm only gonna do part time, not full time. I have signed up for junk mail drop offs and something with pets. My anxiety and depression can be a downfall. I never had a real reason to push and find work until now.
Moving atm is not an option, i have keep an eye on my brother cos atm he has bad depression, is an alcoholic and wanting to kill himself.