Queentutt wrote:
Let us keep it short. No. "Opportunities" like this can have many possible outcomes, but at least 3 outcomes can be very serious: an STD (sexually transmitted disease) or rape charges or a serious beating from a jealous boyfriend.
As someone who used to be in the club lifestyle, I must say that while those
are possible outcomes, I think its a little extreme to not miss out on a potentially fun and positively life-changing experience out of fear. Also, just because X person fancies you doesn't mean you
have to have sex with her. Who knows, you could've ended up smoking joints and having a few drinks and making some friends (who probably also have more cute girlfriends).
With that being said, I met my ex-girlfriend in a semi-similar situation to that. I was performing at a show -- after I performed, my now ex and one of her friends came up to me in a similar manner. I ended up naked in a hot tub with her and we hooked up later that night -- wear a condom if you're worried about STDs. We started seeing each other after that and it blossomed into a relationship that occurred during a period of my life that I would consider one of the only times I have truly been happy. We embarked on lots of journeys and had lots of experiences together that I probably never would've experienced if I hadn't taken that chance that night. Obviously it wasn't
all good, hence why she's my ex, but we both did things that sabotaged the relationship. Ultimately she moved to another part of the country and that is that. Still, I don't remotely regret it. She's still my friend and hooks me up with cool opportunities or people when I pass through her area.
Now, were you stupid for letting that opportunity slip? I don't think so, but more than anything that's because you were feeling however you were feeling that night. There's nothing to gain out of regretting missed chances. If you think it is something you might've liked, you know how you might like to react if a similar situation arises in the future.