I agree with you 100%, OP... If I was an atheist, then I'd totally be down with using hook-up sites. But sex outside of marriage is fornication, and it's not worth spending eternity in the lake of fire.
Don't get me wrong -- Banging a different girl on a regular basis would be awesome. I think about it all the time. But as a Christian, my goal is to get a trophy-wife, and make her my one-woman-show.
I don't think relationships are stressful, at least they haven't been stressful in my experience. I mean, look at it like this:
You're lucky to even have a relationship at all! You know what I'm sayin'? Take into consideration that literally millions of deprived guys out there, especially aspies, would do ANYTHING to have a relationship with an attractive female! Real talk.
The main problem is that females in the 21st Century are untrusting of males - They get taken advantage of once or twice by their ex-bf, and every other guy next in line suffers because of that.
They build a barricade to protect themselves from getting hurt again... A barricade so strong that the only way to tear it down is by establishing trust, however long it takes until she's emotionally ready to break that damned barricade.
Females are like The Sword and The Stone... It's either their way other the highway. You have to get to know 'em first, or at least attend the same class, or work together in the same blue-collar business and you'll break the barricade much faster...
Unlike a situation where you know you're only going to see the girl once -- Like if you're casually roaming a mall in order to get girls' numbers so they can hang with you. (Which rarely works, 'cause apparently it's "creepy" to them)
Not only that, but nobody wants to talk to eachother anymore in this Post 9/11 society. High speed internet and modern technology is keeping people indoors and turning the masses into socially awkward hermits.
But anyway, people with the likes of Asperger's DON'T need their own hook-up site. We're not stupid. Hook-up sites are strictly for sex. Simple -- Nothing more to 'hook-up culture', unlike dating and building relationships.
Last edited by AspieGuy96 on 22 Nov 2016, 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.