white_as_snow wrote:
dont want guys who are like that, how then can there be any hope for those type of guys? for sure normal women dont want them either.
how come guys even normal guys accept all kind of women but women only accept guys who are attractive, have big social status and no mental illness? how is this fair? why all this demands on guys?
why do a fat woman with no friends get accepted but not a fat man with no friends?
Why do you think that all fat women with low social status and mental illness are accepted but no men of the equivalent are accepted? If this were to be even remotely the case, the only thing I think you could reasonably conclude is that women for the most part place more importance on their partner having decent employment than the other way around, which is likely the result of both how gender roles have evolved over the years and probably biology too.
If you're finding you're unsuccessful in attracting a partner, it is incumbent on you to change that, and unless you are indeed the hunchback of Notre Dame, the likelihood is it's not outside of the realm of possibility for you to do that, and while it's easier to throw up your hands and give up, that's going to work against you in finding a partner.