Kitty, there are probably reasons why they are ghosting you and if they are doing it, maybe you came on too strong and appeared clingy when all they wanted was to get into your underwear. Maybe they didn't like something you said - then they would probably never want to be with you in real life. Just - move - on.
nick007 wrote:
Kitty4670 wrote:
When you talking to guys, but stop talking to you after a few days or more, why they don’t want to tell you it’s over?
It's too much effort for them & they want to save face & avoid confrontation
They are mentally weak and cannot give a straight answer like "i'm not interested". Same with some women, who just don't use the block function. Ghosting is just a pathetic method used by feeble people.
I've had some of that with women myself. Now i just send a message, if they don't answer within 24 hours, i block them. No need to waste your life on such people.
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring" (Carl Sagan)