One of the girls who rejected me did so because I am "self depreciation" (her words, not mine). Now, she never used the word "humor" (makes sense: I weren't joking -- I was having a serious discussion about how awful everything is for me). But, since I was pissed at her, I ran a google search "is self depreciation a turn off" and most of what google gives me puts the word "humor" there, it says "self depreciation humor", "self depreciating jokes", etc. And this is something that makes even LESS sense than that girl did! In the situations when it IS a humor, and when the other party KNOWS its a humor, as evident from the fact that they *CALL* it a humor, why are they still turned off by it?! I mean, most of what I found in google was people saying "YES, self depreciating HUMOR is a turn off". Wow. They know its a humor and yet they are turned off by it?! Are they being Freudian here and make an assumption that, even though it is a humor, somehow its the subconscious speaking here?! Do you think Freud is to blame for the particular way in which girls are being picky?