sweetsara234 wrote:
@Fnord I feel like he really did love his exes even though he says he didn’t.
If you would prefer to have been His “One and Only”, then you should have gotten to him sooner.
If you are jealous of his ex-girlfriends, then how do you feel about his mother, his sisters, and his other female relatives?
If you believe that he is incapable of love, then drop him and run away - run far, run fast, and never stop running.
But if what you are
really concerned about is that he lied to you and won’t admit it, then just dump him and find a more honest man (Hint: The perfect liars are always the sweetest, kindest, most affectionate men you will ever meet; and then ‘boom’, they’re gone).
Relationships are risky and fraught with conflict. You either deal with the negatives and rejoice in the positives, or get thee hence to a nunnery.