Luhluhluh wrote:
Yeah... I would be. I'm always suspicious of someone who comes on awfully strong very quick when we barely know each other.
It makes me wonder why - like what's wrong with them (low self-esteem, already involved, abusive, looking for someone to pay their bills, etc.) that they're this needy and need to close the deal this quickly.
Me & all 3 girlfriends I had came on very strong with each other when we hadn't been a couple for long. Yes & 4 of us did have some issues but I really believe that everyone has some issues within relationships & I really do not think that coming on strong with each other meant that we were all damaged goods who should die alone & lonely.
The problem in this post is not that the girl is coming on strong but that Boo doesn't feel the same way about her(at this point anyways). Like some others have mentioned I think Boo should play this out abit longer. If this keeps up it could mean that Boo just isn't into her as much as she's into him & maybe he should end it but at this point it's too soon to say.