AquaineBay wrote:
I can think of only three things right now.
1)He has no idea how he comes across to other people.
2) He's a Hopeless Romantic and is getting too excited.
3) He is manipulating you in some way.
The whispering in his ear is suspicious as that's breaking a lot of personal boundaries when first meeting someone. I would be careful cause number 2 and 3 sound more likely then 1.
You could recommend video chatting first and then meeting to get a better feel for him.
I'm inclined to agree with Aquaine.
I think many people who struggle socially unknowingly misrepresent themselves on the internet.
If you think you might like him, meet him somewhere public during the day. You don't have to give him your phone number or full name, so if he does get weird it'll be easy to remove yourself from any future advances/interactions.
Most dating sites are set up to maintain anonymity, in case things do get uncomfortable.
If you're in a country that allows it, carry self defense. Give a friend the address and time of your meeting, just so somebody knows where you are.
Good luck!
...what do the public, the great unobservant public, who could hardly tell a weaver by his tooth or a compositor by his left thumb, care about the finer shades of analysis and deduction!