Do you find the opposite sex quite distant

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12 Jun 2019, 4:45 pm

Wasn't quite sure how to phrase the question. I feel like I try to get to know guys and they're always just out of reach, always holding something back, never willing to put too much out there.

Not sure if men find women to be like this too.

Don't know if this happens in same sex dating too.

Is it just British people being reserved? Do other cultures have this issue? Is it a 21st century issue?


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12 Jun 2019, 4:51 pm

I've always felt like this too!

I thought it was something about me... I still don't quite know why I experience men in that way. When I was younger I didnt have any male friends for years until my therapist helped me understand! :lol:


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12 Jun 2019, 5:20 pm

Usually yes

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12 Jun 2019, 5:33 pm

I find women more distant or inaccessible than men, but that's because I was primarily socialised by my dad, my grandfather and my brother. Even now I spend a lot of time with my nephew and his male friends. My best friends are men, too. While growing up I always felt estranged from the other girls, likely because of the NT/ ND divide, but I wasn't assessed and didn't know any other way to interpret my "otherness".

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12 Jun 2019, 5:35 pm

It depends what you mean and who you ask. I tend to be very over cautions. Ok, online I may use my humour. Online is slightly different. I am more forward online but I am still reserved. For example, if I wanted to ask a lady out, I would most likely not do it and wait for her to ask me out because I am nurvous to do this, and the few times I have tried asking in the past it has not gone well at all, so I learnt to not ask. (Some ladies can be very cruel here in Wales and the UK hence why I learnt it is best not to ask).
The problem I get is that being a man,, I don't understand hints. So this and not asking a girl out makes things more difficult.

The other issue for me these days is that it is so hard for me to date a lady as if it doesn't work, I don't want her to be sad, as I can love too deeply and am very sensitive.


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12 Jun 2019, 7:07 pm

I tend to find both sexes equally distant, I think.

I’m usually more comfortable around women. I find friendships with guys puzzling because of the possibility of either person developing feelings for the other.

I’m really close to my brother. It’s hard for me to feel comfortable with people who aren’t family.

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12 Jun 2019, 7:16 pm

I'm the distant one

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12 Jun 2019, 7:38 pm

The problem is to some of us men is that women are the most opposite sex there is... I mean... Men and women are different. So those of us who are men who have had brothers or women who have had sisters.... In other words don't come into close contact with the opposite sex while growing up (My dad said when I was a teenager, not to mess about with girls... so generally I stayed right away from them as I had the wrong take on what he meant. It wasn't that I didn't talk to them, but it was more I tried not to get too close as I had the total wrong idea.... And when I was about 18 it came as an absolute shock to me when my parents anounced that I was to have a second brother, as I suddenly realized that my parents had had sex. I was discusted with them at first until my mum said "How do you think you were born then?" or something like that... It just had never occurred to me the connection between sex and children despite being above average intelligence and having sex lessons in science in school at the age of 13... Which to be honest I didn't have a clue. Yes, my sexual organs were highly responsive and difficult to control when I saw a pretty girl... but I didn't know anything about sex!
It is funny looking back as I had sheltered myself a lot as I lived inside my own thoughts. I was a shy quiet person who rarely spoke unless I had to. I isolated myself to the goings on in life somehow. I never forget in school one of the more forward boys asking me if I masterbate and I disn't know what it meant and said "I have never been fishing" as I assumed the "Bait" part of the word had something to do with fishing. Then when asked if I knew about the birds and the bees... Well, I literally thought "Of corse I do. Birds fly through the air and bees buzz around... I looked at them daft for thinking I didn't know!"


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12 Jun 2019, 7:47 pm

I find everyone inaccessible. 8O

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12 Jun 2019, 7:54 pm

I got along well with some women but some of them thought I was gay :( I was good friends with some women but none of them were interested in anything more than friendship with me except for my 1st girlfriend but that was an online thing. There's also plenty of women who wanted nothing to do with me.

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12 Jun 2019, 8:01 pm

I do like chatting to women as it is easier somehow. Easier to open up.
Going back to what Hurtloam said...
It maybe that it is a good idea to ask directly. That way you will not be guessing.


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12 Jun 2019, 8:41 pm

How do you express your interest in men?

I have developed a really touchy feely persona over time, and donning said persona has finally gotten me more of the results that I was looking for.

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12 Jun 2019, 9:05 pm

that1weirdgrrrl wrote:
How do you express your interest in men?

I have developed a really touchy feely persona over time, and donning said persona has finally gotten me more of the results that I was looking for.

Sometimes being touchy and feely can make someone think you’re more interested in sex than in a romantic relationship, but if it’s working for you, who am I to knock it?

It’s hard for me to be the first person to express interest. In the past, a guy friend and I would just talk a lot until a relationship evolved organically from that or until he decided to make a move. I’m really shy, so it’s hard for me to be as forward as I’d like to be.

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12 Jun 2019, 9:17 pm

Im not sure exactly what you mean by inaccessible, but I've never had a girlfriend and I can count the amount of female friends I have on one hand, none of whom I am close with or keep regular contact with, so I'd imagine that you could say that women are inaccessible or elusive to me. Certainly true of women my own age.

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12 Jun 2019, 10:21 pm

I find people in general inaccessible. On the very rare occasions when this isn't true, though, I actually find it easier to make a connection with women.

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12 Jun 2019, 11:53 pm

Women in my area I find difficult to interact with. The expectations for both sexes create a huge social divide and it's largely why I struggle to even make platonic friendships with women. Shopping at Macy's tends to be their ambition in life and that leads to conversation shut down for me.